The Human Right to Water – Significance, Legal Status and Implications for Water Allocation, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2012 (Paperback: 2014)
Reviewed by Kerstin Mechlem in Review of European Community & International Environmental Law 22:2 (2013), 207-208; Rebecca Bates in International Human Rights Law Review 1 (2012), 395-397; Sanghamitra Padhy in Law and Politics Book Review 23 (12), 609-612; Hugo Tremblay in McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy 8:2 (2013), 261-271; Dan Furukawa Marques in Human Rights Quarterly, 35:3 (2013), 785-791; Michelle Biddulph, Saskatchewan Law Review, Volume 76, 2013; Andréane Lemay-Mercierand, Revue Québécoise de Droit International; A. G. Noorani in Frontline (Nov. 29, 2013)
"the first legal monograph on the right to water. ... The book is likely to become an essential standard reference for those interested in the right to water." (Kerstin Mechlem)
"... an impressive overview of the development of the right and substantial insights into its meaning and application. ... " (Rebecca Bates)
"The ability to intertwine human rights with water allocation makes this book invaluable to the scholarship on the human right to water and sustainability" (Sanghamitra Padhy)
The Human Right to Water – Significance, Legal Status and Implications for Water Allocation, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2012 (Paperback: 2014)
Reviewed by Kerstin Mechlem in Review of European Community & International Environmental Law 22:2 (2013), 207-208; Rebecca Bates in International Human Rights Law Review 1 (2012), 395-397; Sanghamitra Padhy in Law and Politics Book Review 23 (12), 609-612; Hugo Tremblay in McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy 8:2 (2013), 261-271; Dan Furukawa Marques in Human Rights Quarterly, 35:3 (2013), 785-791; Michelle Biddulph, Saskatchewan Law Review, Volume 76, 2013; Andréane Lemay-Mercierand, Revue Québécoise de Droit International; A. G. Noorani in Frontline (Nov. 29, 2013)
"the first legal monograph on the right to water. ... The book is likely to become an essential standard reference for those interested in the right to water." (Kerstin Mechlem)
"... an impressive overview of the development of the right and substantial insights into its meaning and application. ... " (Rebecca Bates)
"The ability to intertwine human rights with water allocation makes this book invaluable to the scholarship on the human right to water and sustainability" (Sanghamitra Padhy)
Edited Collections
Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies, Palgrave MacMillan (co-edited with Chris Bobel, Breanne Fahs, Katie Ann Hasson, Elizabeth Kissling, Tomi-Ann Roberts), 2020 [open access] Reviewed by Elvira Dominguez-Redondo, Human Rights Quarterly, doi: 10.1353/hrq.2021.0028; A.J. Lowik, Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 28:1, 1854928, doi: 10.1080/26410397.2020.1854928; Camilla Mørk Røstvik, Social History of Medicine, doi:10.1093/shm/hkaa104; Sara E. Baumann, Psychology of Women Quarterly, doi: 10.1177/0361684320967619; Caitlin Williams, Ashley Huff, and Benjamin Mason Meier, Health and Human Rights Journal, 2021 Jun; 23(1): 293–296; Maria Kathryn Tomlinson, Women's Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00497878.2021.1971083; Bettina Bildhauer, Forum for Modern Language Studies, forthcoming “This volume works as striking evidence that passing the microphone to other voices and means of articulating arguments is not only possible, but necessary for rigorous research that aims at effecting positive change.” (Elvira Domínguez-Redondo) "This handbook has been a major factor in bringing together the existing disparate research, shaping it into its own field... Critical Menstruation Studies is clearly already beginning to burst at the seams. The handbook’s size might give the impression that everything has been said about menstruation, but the opposite is true.... The volume functions in this way not only as a culmination of years of work, but also as an invitation for further research. If you are going to publish a handbook, this is how to do it." (Bettina Bildhauer) "Rarely does a volume span so many disciplines, contexts, countries, religions, and forms. The handbook is a celebration of, and a testament to, the creative, interdisciplinary, theoretically grounded approaches that are embraced in critical menstrual studies." (Sara Baumann) The Sustainable Development Goals and Human Rights: A Critical Early Review, Routledge, 2018 (co-edited with Carmel Williams) Special Issue on “A Human Right to WASH”, Waterlines, Vol. 33/4 (2014) (with Catarina de Albuquerque and Virginia Roaf) Journal Articles
The persistent power of stigma: A critical review of policy initiatives to break the menstrual silence and advance menstrual literacy. PLOS Global Public Health 2(7) (2022): e0000070. (with Mary M. Olson, Nay Alhelou, Purvaja S. Kavattur, and Lillian Rountree) “We Like Things Tangible:” A Critical Analysis of Menstrual Hygiene and Health Policy-Making in India, Kenya, Senegal and the United States, Global Public Health 2021, DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2021.2011945 (with Nay Alhelou, Lillian Rountree, and Purvaja Kavattur) Between Confrontation and Cooperation: Right to Water Advocacy in the Courts, on the Streets, and at the Capitols in the United States, Water 13, no. 24: 3541. DOI: (with Sabrina Kozikis) The Messiness of the Menstruator: Assessing Personas and Functionalities of Menstrual Tracking Apps, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, ocab212, (with Adrienne Pichon, Kasey Jackman, Chris Bobel and Noémie Elhadad) Menstruation and Human Rights: Can We Move Beyond Instrumentalization, Tokenism and Reductionism?, Columbia Journal of Gender and Law, 41 (1), 244-251, DOI: “Bizarre and Backward:” Saviorism and Modernity in Representations of Menstrual Beliefs and Practices in the Popular Media, Feminist Formations 33, no. 2 (2021): 313-339. (with Chris Bobel) Menstrual Health: A Definition for Policy, Practice, and Research, Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 2021 (29:1), DOI: 10.1080/26410397.2021.1911618 (with Julie Hennegan, Chris Bobel, Danielle Keiser, Janie Hampton, Gerda Larsson, Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli, Marina Plesons, Thérèse Mahon) 'You don't just do it because someone else said so:' Menstrual Practices and Women's Agency within the Hindu Diaspora of Trinidad, Culture, Health & Sexuality, 2021 DOI: 10.1080/13691058.2021.1887938 (with Trisha Maharaj) The Paradox of Framing Water as a Human Right in the United States: An Analysis of Power and Resistance, Journal of Human Rights, 2020 DOI: 10.1080/14754835.2020.1803053 (with Sabrina Kozikis) The Politics, Promises and Perils of Data: Evidence-Driven Policy and Practice for Menstrual Health, Women's Reproductive Health, 7:4, 227-243, DOI: 10.1080/23293691.2020.1820240s (with Chris Bobel, Lauren Houghton, Noemie Elhadad, Caitlin Gruer, Vanessa Paranjothy) Editorial: Human Rights Shine a Light on Unmet Menstrual Health Needs and Menstruation at the Margins, Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2019 DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000003098 Glass half-full or glass half-empty?: A human rights assessment of the WASH targets in the SDGs, Social Alternatives 37 (2018/1), 25-33 “America’s Dirty Secret”: The Human Right to Sanitation in Lowndes County, Alabama, 49 Columbia Human Rights Law Review 2017, 181-228 (with Catherine Coleman Flowers) Editorial: The Sustainable Development Goals and human rights: a critical early review, International Journal of Human Rights, 21/8 (2017), 1023-1028 (with Carmel Williams) Leaving No One Behind? - Persistent Inequalities in the SDGs, International Journal of Human Rights, 21/8 (2017), 1073-1097 (with Margaret L. Satterthwaite) The Human Right to Sanitation, 37 U. Pa. J. Int’l L. 1331-1406 (2016) Taking the Bloody Linen out of the Closet – Menstrual Hygiene as a Priority for Achieving Gender Equality, Cardozo Journal of Law and Gender 2014 (21/1), 1-37 (with Virginia Roaf) Translated into French: Faire face à la réalité saignante: l'hygiène menstruelle comme priorité pour la réalisation de l'égalité des genres (courtesy of WSSCC) Treasuring What We Measure and Measuring What We Treasure: Post-2015 Monitoring for the Promotion of Equality in the Water and Sanitation Sector, Wisconsin Journal of International Law 2014 (32/3), 547-594 (with Margaret L. Satterthwaite and Catarina de Albuquerque) - Draft paper available on SSRN Governing Wastewater, Curbing Pollution, and Improving Water Quality for the Realization of Human Rights, Waterlines, 33/4 (2014), 337-356 (with Anna Zimmer and Catarina de Albuquerque) Muddying the Water? Assessing Target-Based Approaches in Development Cooperation for Water and Sanitation, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 15/2-3 (2014), 247-260 (with Malcolm Langford) Available as book chapter in: The MDGs, Capabilities and Human Rights: The power of numbers to shape agendas, edited by Sakiko Fukuda-Parr and Alicia Yamin, Routledge, 2015 Working Paper version: Quantifying Water and Sanitation in Development Cooperation: Power or Perversity?, Harvard School of Public Health, 2013 Über Grenzen hinweg – Die Bedeutung des Menschenrechts auf Wasser für grenzüberschreitende Gewässer [Beyond Borders – The Implications of the Human Right to Water for Transboundary Waters], Journal of Law of Peace and Armed Conflict, 2014 (27/1), 17-27 (with Hà Lê Phan) Interpreting the Right to a Dignified Minimum Existence: A New Era in German Socio-economic Rights Jurisprudence?, Human Rights Law Review, 2013 (13/2), 388-401 (with Claudia Mahler) Zwischen Menschenrechtsförderung und Duldung von Menschenrechtsverletzungen? Anforderungen an die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit aus der Perspektive der extraterritorialen Staatenpflichten [Between Promoting Human Rights and Condoning Human Rights Violations? – Requirements for Development Cooperation from the Perspective of Extraterritorial Obligations], Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte 2012 (6/2), 63-94 (with Andrea Kämpf) Die Leitprinzipien zu Wirtschaft und Menschenrechten – Fortschritt oder Rückschritt im Bereich der menschenrechtlichen Verantwortung von Unternehmen? [The Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights – Progress or Setback for Companies’ Human Rights Responsibilities?], Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte 2011 (5/2), 164-182 Neither Friend nor Foe – Why the Commercialization of Water and Sanitation Services is not the Main Issue in the Realization of Human Rights, Brown Journal of World Affairs, 2010 (17/1), 167-179 (with Catarina de Albuquerque) Wasser und Sanitärversorgung als Menschenrechte [Water and Sanitation as Human Rights], Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft 2010 (54/2), 138-141 Judicial Enforcement of the Human Right to Water – Case Law from South Africa, Argentina and India, Law, Social Justice and Global Development Journal, 2008 (1), available at: Book Chapters
Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals, in: Human Rights, Theory and Practice (edited by Michael Goodhart), pp. 443-462 Oxford University Press, 2022 (with Matheus Hernandez) Socio-Economic Rights: Consolidating Progress, Charting Future Directions, in: A Research Agenda for Human Rights (edited by Michael Stohl and Alison Brysk), pp. 111-126, Edward Elgar, 2020 Sustainable Development and Social Rights, in: Research Handbook on International Law and Social Rights (edited by Christina Binder et al.), Edward Elgar, 2020 (with Matheus Hernandez) The Emergence of "New" Health-Related Human Rights: Recognizing the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation, in: Global Health and Human Rights (ed. by Larry Gostin and Benjamin Mason Meier), Oxford University Press, 2020 (with Benjamin Mason Meier) The Human Right to Water, in: Stephen McCaffrey, Christina Leb and Riley Denoon (eds.), Research Handbook on International Water Law, Edward Elgar, 2019 Doing It All and Doing It Well? – A Mandate’s Challenges in terms of Cooperation, Fundraising and Maintaining Independence, in: Aoife Nolan, Rosa Freedman & Thérèse Murphy (eds.) The United Nations Special Procedures System, pp. 188-222, Brill, 2017 (with Catarina de Albuquerque), Draft paper available on SSRN Water for Food – A Human Rights Perspective, in: Malcolm Langford / Anna Russell (eds.), The Right to Water: Theory, Practice and Prospects, pp. 119-143, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017 The Human Right to Water, in: Alistair Rieu-Clarke, Andrew Allan and Sarah Hendry (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Water Law and Policy, pp. 109-119, Routledge, 2017 Water Security, in: Katja Samuel and Susan Breau (eds.), Research Handbook on Disasters and International Law, pp. 295-318, Edward Elgar, 2016 (with Hà Lê Phan) The Human Rights Framework for Water Services, in: Jamie Bartram et al. (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Water and Health, pp. 514-521, Routledge, 2015 (with Virginia Roaf) Über die Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele für Wasser und Sanitärversorgung hinaus – Menschenrechtliche Anforderungen an die Entwicklungspolitik nach 2015 [Beyond the Millennium Development Goals for Water and Sanitation – Human Rights Requirements for Development Policy Post-2015], in: UNICEF Deutschland, UNICEF-Report 2012: Mein Recht auf Wasser, pp. 21-34, Frankfurt am Main, Fischer (with Catarina de Albuquerque) Wo stehen wir mit den Menschenrechten auf Wasser und Sanitärversorgung? – Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Vereinten Nationen [Where are We with the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation? – Current Developments in the Context of the United Nations], in: Jose L. Lozán, Hartmut Grassl, Peter Hupfer u.a. (Hrsg.), Warnsignal Klima: Genug Wasser für alle?, 3. Auflage, Universität Hamburg, 2011 Respect, Protect, Fulfil: The Implementation of the Human Right to Water in South Africa, in: Philippe Cullet, Alix Gowlland-Gualtieri, Roopa Madhav and Usha Ramanathan (eds.), Water Governance in Motion: Towards Socially and Environmentally Sustainable Water Laws,pp. 415-443, Cambridge University Press, Delhi, 2010 Post-apartheid Social Movements in South Africa, and the Struggle against Water Commercialization and Privatization, in: Immanuel Ness (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Protest and Revolution: 1500 to Present, pp. 3099–3103, Wiley Blackwell, Hoboken, 2009 (with Lena Partzsch) Das Menschenrecht auf Wasser – Priorität für die Erfüllung menschlicher Grundbedürfnisse [The Human Right to Water – Priority for the Fulfillment of Basic Human Needs], in: Corina Bastian, Anne Gunkel, Hannes Leistert, Timo Menniken, Regina Rhodius, Bernd Schlipphak (Hrsg.), Wasser - Konfliktstoff des 21.Jahrhunderts? Von der Krisendiagnose zum Problemmanagement, pp. 101-116, Winter-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2008 Book Reviews
Book review of "Human Rights in Global Health: Rights-Based Governance for a Globalizing World" (edited by Benjamin Mason Meier and Lawrence O. Gostin), Human Rights Quarterly, 40 (2018), 1045-1048 (with Matheus Hernandez) Book review of "Food Security in South Africa: Human Rights and Entitlements Perspectives "(edited by Sakiko Fukuda-Parr and Vivienne Taylor), Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 18(2) (2017), 313–314 Other Reports and Papers
The Global Menstrual Movement: 10 Course Corrections, in: Radha Paudel (ed.), Dignified Menstruation, The Dignity of Menstruators throughout the Life Cycle, pp. 164-172, Thuprai, Kathmandu, 2020 Flushed and Forgotten: Sanitation and Wastewater in Rural Communities in the US, Alabama Center for Rural Enterprise, Columbia Law School Human Rights Clinic, and the Institute for the Study of Human Rights, 2019 The Mining Industry and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH): Impacts, Roles and Challenges in the Context of Water Security, WaterAid, 2016 Conflict and Cooperation over Water - The Role of the EU in Ensuring the Realisation of Human Rights, European Parliament's Subcommittee on Human Rights, 2015 Lebenselixier und letztes Tabu – Die Menschenrechte auf Wasser und Sanitärversorgung [The Elixir of Life and the Last Taboo – The Human Rights to Water and Sanitation], Essay No. 11, German Institute for Human Rights, 2011 |
Work in Progress
Penguin, Werewolf, MANstruation: A Cyberethnography of Linguistic Strategies by Trans and Nonbinary Menstruators, under review (with Rowena Kosher and Lauren C. Houghton) |